Lothar of the Hill People's ADS-B 1090 filter data

Lothar here, I will update this info as more becomes available. If you buy or measure a 1090 or 978 filter, LMK, and I will add the data with attribution. You can see full Info on my cavity filters on Ebay, but if you are a feeder and buy direct from me, you get a "Friends and Family " discount that saves me Ebay and PayPal fees that are passed along to you. DM me for direct purchases. Here is the August 2024 Update. It included more manufacturer data, since <@273192470572040192> posted pix of the Nooelectric dual LNA and I went hunting for possible matches to the filters in Skybird LNA he dissected. Logan sent me a FA light blue tube to test,
ADSB 1090 Filters Aug 2024.pdf (554.5 KB)

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For the record, I have several cavity filters from Lothar and they are fantastic. Great build quality, and significantly higher messages/per second over many other filters I’ve tested against it.

For the record. I have one and love it. Very high quality.